
Rooster Rehab on YouTube

Earlier this year, the Eastern Shore Sanctuary welcomed a small number of roosters and hens who had been confiscated from a squalid hole-in-the-wall where they had been held for purposes of cockfighting and, in the case of the hens, breeding. The local Humane Society that took in the birds and placed them with us made . . . → Read More: Rooster Rehab on YouTube

Regulating Cows

On 17 April, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that greenhouse gases do endanger public health and welfare and, thus, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane emissions will be regulated from now on. As the meat industry organ Meating Place reported, “a collective shiver went down the back of animal agriculture” at that news.

Why? Because . . . → Read More: Regulating Cows

Onions, Cabbage… & Antibiotics?

Everybody knows by now, we hope, that most antibiotics are fed to farmed animals, that the antibiotics excreted by those animals end up in our water (not to mention the meat, eggs, and milk consumed by non-vegans), and that this is the primary reason for the emergence of antibiotic-resistant “super-bugs.” Now there’s a new reason . . . → Read More: Onions, Cabbage… & Antibiotics?

The Perils of Poultry

Chicken flesh is like “light” filtered cigarettes, not as bad for you as red meat (unfiltered cigarettes), but still very unhealthy. That’s why, in addition to our empathy for the birds, we get so frustrated when people who want to be healthy swear off cow and pig flesh but keep on eating chickens.

As part . . . → Read More: The Perils of Poultry