
In Memoriam: Baltimore Blum


Join us in mourning and remembering Baltimore Blum, who died in his sleep last night after living at the sanctuary since 2002. Baltimore began life at a foie gras factory, where he was caged without access to water, besieged by rats, and force-fed massive quantities of food by pneumatic tube in hope that he would develop the fatty liver disease upon which the texture and taste of pate foie gras depend. . . . → Read More: In Memoriam: Baltimore Blum

Interesting Article about Drought, Dairy “Farmers”

Interesting article here, posted to the AR News by Leilani Sanctuary.


By interesting, I mean many things, particularly the assertion by the wife of one of these farmers that “we did everything right,” but the “system failed us” because (apparently) the government isn’t giving enough subsidies to these people. Dairy farmers aren’t given . . . → Read More: Interesting Article about Drought, Dairy “Farmers”

VINE Sanctuary Online

Just a quick post to alert our friends to a couple of online innovations here at VINE Sanctuary.

First, have you checked out our Facebook page or YouTube channel? Kathy updates our Facebook page almost every day, with pictures and news of the sanctuary residents living “up the hill.” And Cheryl keeps making cute videos . . . → Read More: VINE Sanctuary Online

Excellent Blog Post about Meatless Mondays

You most certainly have heard of the ridiculous (and chilling) response by the USDA to the outrage over their initial endorsement of Meatless Mondays. In a nutshell, the USDA first approved of, and then denounced, this initiative which was begun several years ago and exists in a variety of different forms throughout the world, including . . . → Read More: Excellent Blog Post about Meatless Mondays