
Connections in Advocacy Work


Writing from prison, activist Manuel Salas explains how he sees the connections between animal rights and other struggles against injustice. . . . → Read More: Connections in Advocacy Work

Ways to Help VINE While Having Fun

Are you one of those active types who wants to contribute, but who prefers doing something to simply sending in a donation? Have you been trying to think of a way to help VINE raise much-needed funds and spread awareness about animal liberation issues at the same time? Well, think no more! Here are three . . . → Read More: Ways to Help VINE While Having Fun

Roadside Abstractions


One recent Saturday afternoon, as I headed for the local Recycling Center en route to the annual used book sale for the town library, a bright cherry-red car sped toward me, sunlight glinting off its gleaming grill and polished hood. My jaw dropped —actually dropped— as the passenger deliberately tossed some trash out the window . . . → Read More: Roadside Abstractions

Fighting Rooster Rehabilitation Update


Two of the 17 former fighting roosters recently taken in by VINE Sanctuary are completely rehabilitated, and several others are nearly there. . . . → Read More: Fighting Rooster Rehabilitation Update