
Roosters in Need

This blog has been rooster-heavy for some time, but there is a reason for that. In the past couple of months, we have taken in almost 40 roosters. In addition, some of the young chickens whom we’ve taken in have — you guessed it — turned out to be roosters.

We love our guys. . . . → Read More: Roosters in Need

Coco Comes Home

An apartment in Brooklyn was Coco’s second home. Her first home was a live poultry market where she was kept in a cage, her eggs collected and sold. A young man living in Brooklyn purchased her and took her home to the apartment he shares with his mother, and there she lived quite happily. Until . . . → Read More: Coco Comes Home

Rooster Rant

Suddenly, roosters are everywhere in the news, or so it seems. If you believe what you read, they are the biggest threat to peace and quiet since rocket grenades and jackhammers. Because of that, here at the sanctuary, we’ve seen a big increase in the number of folks wanting to get rid of their roosters.

. . . → Read More: Rooster Rant

New Roosters Are on Their Way!

On October 2, 2009, 24 roosters (and two hens) will be arriving from Farm Sanctuary! We are thrilled, and have in fact created a new area in which they will live. Here’s a pic. [Please note, this was taken before the windows were cut. :-)]

This is a great opportunity to discuss roosters for . . . → Read More: New Roosters Are on Their Way!