
Feed Costs Slam Sanctuaries

The Eastern Shore Sanctuary recently released a report urging animal advocates to seize opportunities for activism arising from recent surges in feed prices. What we (typically) forgot to say is that those surges have hurt us too. Sharp rises in the prices of corn, wheat, and other staples have significantly increased our weekly feed bill. . . . → Read More: Feed Costs Slam Sanctuaries

Go Postal for Chickens

Thank Animal Acres for rescuing these birds by taking a moment to let the postal service know it’s not okay to treat animals like packages. Click the link for the whole story, including pictures of the surviving birds. clipped from animalacres.org Animal Services in Oakland, California took custody of hundreds of one-day old chicks who . . . → Read More: Go Postal for Chickens

Take a Virtual Tour of the Sanctuary

While our website is under reconstruction, let us direct you to a couple of recent blog posts by visitors to the Eastern Shore Sanctuary. Vengeful vegan Isa Chandra Moskowitz spent some time at the sanctuary early this year, blogging about it here and posting more photos here. Sanctuary volunteer Deb Durant came down to . . . → Read More: Take a Virtual Tour of the Sanctuary

Other Kinds of Bird Cages

Rats. Cats. Rabbits. Dogs.


These are the animals we imagine locked up in vivisection labs, subjected to hurtful and often perverse experiments the purpose of which — beyond the satisfaction of abstract curiosity — is often unclear. Cats and rabbits burned by noxious poisons. Rats purposely starved to death. Dogs trapped in cages with . . . → Read More: Other Kinds of Bird Cages