County fair season provokes painful memories for a former 4-H and FFA participant who now works at a farmed animal sanctuary. . . . → Read More: Fair Week
![]() County fair season provokes painful memories for a former 4-H and FFA participant who now works at a farmed animal sanctuary. . . . → Read More: Fair Week Vegan and AR activists must map the path from animal agriculture to crop-based agriculture that will be better for everybody, including farmers and rural communities. . . . → Read More: A Systems Approach to Agriculture Reform I know that folks want an update on the status of the Green Mountain College oxen known as Bill and Lou. I’m sorry to report that, despite what has become an international outcry for mercy, the college remains determined to send them to a slaughterhouse at the end of the month. Thousands of people have . . . → Read More: Shades of “Green” (Update on Lou and Bill) Everybody knows by now, we hope, that most antibiotics are fed to farmed animals, that the antibiotics excreted by those animals end up in our water (not to mention the meat, eggs, and milk consumed by non-vegans), and that this is the primary reason for the emergence of antibiotic-resistant “super-bugs.” Now there’s a new reason . . . → Read More: Onions, Cabbage… & Antibiotics? People want to know, “Can I get swine flu from eating bacon?” Our answer should be, “Yes!” While swine flu is not transmitted by bacon or any other kind of meat, eating bacon, pork chops or even chicken wings creates the circumstances that lead these chimerical bird-pig-human viruses to evolve and flourish. . . . → Read More: Swine Flu = Bird Flu = Pandemic In a New Year’s Day letter to the editor published in the Daily Times of Salisbury (Md), Eastern Shore Sanctuary co-founder pattrice jones calls for economic diversification of the Delmarva peninsula, which is currently dominated (and despoiled) by the poultry industry: We need a diversified economy with an agriculture sector divided between production of healthy . . . → Read More: Sanctuary Founder Calls for Delmarva Diversification We got some good news yesterday, via Mary Finelli at Farmed Animal Watch: High feed prices are, as we predicted in our Strategic Action Memo on the subject, driving down poultry industry profits. The big publicly traded poultry companies – Tyson Foods, Sanderson Farms and Pilgrim’s Pride Corp. – have all seen their stock prices . . . → Read More: Thanksgiving at the Sanctuary |
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What You Can Do to End the Conspiracy Against Vegan Mayo
Last week, vegan mayo broke into the news, thanks to a FOIA request that proved that a taxpayer-funded agency has been colluding with the egg industry to try to crush a new and popular sandwich spread made right here in the USA. That’s right: The U.S. government is trying to crush a U.S. business… because . . . → Read More: What You Can Do to End the Conspiracy Against Vegan Mayo