Shelters and sanctuaries are flooded with homeless roosters due to the fad for backyard hen-keeping, which profits hatcheries at the expense of families. Find out what you can do to help. . . . → Read More: The Continuing Crisis
![]() Shelters and sanctuaries are flooded with homeless roosters due to the fad for backyard hen-keeping, which profits hatcheries at the expense of families. Find out what you can do to help. . . . → Read More: The Continuing Crisis ACTION ALERT
The unfortunate fad known as the backyard bird phenomenon is moving in a predictable direction. People are throwing away roosters right and left (unwanted roosters). They are not caring for hens (hurting hens). And now, here come the profiteers wanting to rake in even more money off the backs . . . → Read More: ACTION ALERT: Tell Victory Chicken: Stop Exploiting Birds! Friend of the sanctuary and author of the brilliant Elephants on the Edge Gay Bradshaw has published an insightful critique of Amber Hansen’s art project, The Story of Chickens: A Revolution on her Psychology Today blog. Here’s the link: 15 Minutes of Shame | Psychology Today As Bradshaw reports: Over a several week period, . . . → Read More: Dissociation Today On backyard bird forums, Freecycle lists, Craig’s List, anywhere you can! Below is a statement put forth by the Eastern Shore Sanctuary in conjunction with Animal Place, Chicken Run Rescue, Farm Sanctuary, Sunny Skies Bird and Animal Sanctuary, and United Poultry Concerns. In it we list the reasons why people should fight this growing . . . → Read More: PLEASE DISSEMINATE WIDELY ABOUT BACKYARD BIRDS!!! Get your comments heard! Go to http://www.onpointradio.org/2009/09/backyard-chickens and tell the world why backyard birding must be undertaken, if at all, only with extreme care and caution. . . . → Read More: THIS JUST IN: On Point with Tom Ashbrook An apartment in Brooklyn was Coco’s second home. Her first home was a live poultry market where she was kept in a cage, her eggs collected and sold. A young man living in Brooklyn purchased her and took her home to the apartment he shares with his mother, and there she lived quite happily. Until . . . → Read More: Coco Comes Home Suddenly, roosters are everywhere in the news, or so it seems. If you believe what you read, they are the biggest threat to peace and quiet since rocket grenades and jackhammers. Because of that, here at the sanctuary, we’ve seen a big increase in the number of folks wanting to get rid of their roosters. . . . → Read More: Rooster Rant |
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From Thug Kitchen to Backyard Chickens
What do the perpetrators of Thug Kitchen have in common with backyard hen keepers? Lack of empathy for others due to preoccupation with one’s own intentions and personal innocence. . . . → Read More: From Thug Kitchen to Backyard Chickens