VINE Sanctuary needs you to help us make vegan and animal rights events more “green.” . . . → Read More: Let’s Make Some Mugs
![]() VINE Sanctuary needs you to help us make vegan and animal rights events more “green.” . . . → Read More: Let’s Make Some Mugs ![]() VINE Sanctuary is green from the ground up. Back when we were the Eastern Shore Sanctuary, sheltering chickens and ducks on a small plot in rural Maryland surrounded by factory farms, we hauled home discarded wooden steps to use as bird perches and hammered together a bedding shed from scrap lumber that would have otherwise . . . → Read More: VINE’s Vision of Viridian This week, Tar Sands Blockade calls for all of us to take direct action against TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline. “Direct action” means any activity that directly interferes with the unjust or harmful practices you oppose (or directly assists a beneficial alternative). Direct action is often misunderstood to mean only splashy or illegal actions. In . . . → Read More: Don’t Bankroll Mayhem: Moooove Your Money Today In the early 90s, activists associated with Queer Nation and other organizations that promoted LGBTQ liberation by means of nonviolent direct action sometimes stormed shopping malls chanting that slogan. Of course, our “kiss-ins” and exuberant expressions of non-conformity with gender norms were roundly condemned, both by homophobes and by liberals who claimed to be our . . . → Read More: “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re NOT going shopping!” I know that folks want an update on the status of the Green Mountain College oxen known as Bill and Lou. I’m sorry to report that, despite what has become an international outcry for mercy, the college remains determined to send them to a slaughterhouse at the end of the month. Thousands of people have . . . → Read More: Shades of “Green” (Update on Lou and Bill) It’s no secret that the Chesapeake Bay is in serious trouble. One might say the bay is dying, and certainly parts of it are actually dead. Yet past efforts to “clean up the bay” have been hampered by the refusal of activist groups to place the blame where it belongs; namely, in large part in . . . → Read More: Finally, Some Truth Comes Out about the Chesapeake Bay Interesting article here, posted to the AR News by Leilani Sanctuary. http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/24/us/drought-missouri-dairy-farmers/index.html?h\ By interesting, I mean many things, particularly the assertion by the wife of one of these farmers that “we did everything right,” but the “system failed us” because (apparently) the government isn’t giving enough subsidies to these people. Dairy farmers aren’t given . . . → Read More: Interesting Article about Drought, Dairy “Farmers” On 17 April, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that greenhouse gases do endanger public health and welfare and, thus, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane emissions will be regulated from now on. As the meat industry organ Meating Place reported, “a collective shiver went down the back of animal agriculture” at that news. Why? Because . . . → Read More: Regulating Cows Everybody knows by now, we hope, that most antibiotics are fed to farmed animals, that the antibiotics excreted by those animals end up in our water (not to mention the meat, eggs, and milk consumed by non-vegans), and that this is the primary reason for the emergence of antibiotic-resistant “super-bugs.” Now there’s a new reason . . . → Read More: Onions, Cabbage… & Antibiotics? |
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Roadside Abstractions
One recent Saturday afternoon, as I headed for the local Recycling Center en route to the annual used book sale for the town library, a bright cherry-red car sped toward me, sunlight glinting off its gleaming grill and polished hood. My jaw dropped —actually dropped— as the passenger deliberately tossed some trash out the window . . . → Read More: Roadside Abstractions