In The Oxen at the Intersection, VINE Sanctuary cofounder pattrice jones analyzes the campaign to “Save Bill and Lou” as a case study in animal advocacy, with sometimes surprising conclusions. . . . → Read More: The Oxen at the Intersection
![]() In The Oxen at the Intersection, VINE Sanctuary cofounder pattrice jones analyzes the campaign to “Save Bill and Lou” as a case study in animal advocacy, with sometimes surprising conclusions. . . . → Read More: The Oxen at the Intersection Presumably on the theory that there’s no defense like a good offense, Green Mountain College has for some weeks been engaged in a disinformation campaign intended to convince the public that animal advocates calling for compassion are terrorists. Yes, they are actually using the T-word and have also referred to VINE –the friendly local animal . . . → Read More: The Mixed-Up World of Green Mountain College By now, everybody knows that Lou is dead—allegedly euthanized and buried in an undisclosed location in the middle of the night. The mysterious circumstances of his death make it difficult to know exactly what to say, and perhaps that was the point. And of course VINE staff—especially the two who twice went to see Bill . . . → Read More: Preliminary Postmortem Reflections VINE Sanctuary has secured space for Bill and Lou at a different sanctuary, thereby removing any impediment to their retirement posed by the antipathy of Green Mountain College to this particular sanctuary. . . . → Read More: Memo to Green Mountain College President and Board of Trustees In light of allegations made in response to our open letter to parents, we think that students and parents should see this past letter to the college President, which was emailed on 12 October and sent by post to the college a couple of days later. The President never replied and (so far as we . . . → Read More: Letter to the President of Green Mountain College ![]() By now, you have probably heard about the controversy concerning the impending slaughter of de facto campus mascots, Bill and Lou, 11 year-old oxen who have been denied the chance to live out their retirement at a sanctuary. What you may not know is that the process by which the decision to kill Bill and . . . → Read More: Open Letter to Parents of Green Mountain College Students ![]() by Cheryl Wylie I grew up on a beef farm. The herd was small, only about a dozen or so cows and one bull that I could virtually walk under as a child. I often watched them throughout the summers and sat in the pasture with them any time that I could. My weekends were . . . → Read More: An Open Letter to the Students of Green Mountain College Green Mountain College has posted an evidently official refusal to reconsider the decision to slaughter Bill and Lou on its Facebook page. We could–and probably will–go line by line, pointing out the inconsistencies and inaccuracies. However, it seems clear that the college administrators—perhaps due to a combination of Groupthink and the confirmation bias–are too set . . . → Read More: Memo to Green Mountain College Board of Trustees I know that folks want an update on the status of the Green Mountain College oxen known as Bill and Lou. I’m sorry to report that, despite what has become an international outcry for mercy, the college remains determined to send them to a slaughterhouse at the end of the month. Thousands of people have . . . → Read More: Shades of “Green” (Update on Lou and Bill) |
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In Memoriam: Lou
Each of the five of us here at VINE Sanctuary had our own reaction to the death of Lou. Sad, mad, numb—each of us felt each of these and other feelings, in different proportions and accompanied by different thoughts.
Today, on the two-week anniversary of Lou’s death, we decided to share our personal thoughts and . . . → Read More: In Memoriam: Lou