Each of the five of us here at VINE Sanctuary had our own reaction to the death of Lou. Sad, mad, numb—each of us felt each of these and other feelings, in different proportions and accompanied by different thoughts.
Today, on the two-week anniversary of Lou’s death, we decided to share our personal thoughts and feelings here, knowing that many of Lou’s supporters around the world may still be experiencing their own emotional reactions. Each of us has written something different, in our own voices.
Aram writes, “For Lou–an excerpt from a Dylan Thomas poem I resonate with... [read more from Aram].
Cheryl and Kathy write, “From the first day that we saw you, we were struck by your quiet peace… [read more from Cheryl and Kathy].
Miriam writes “Lou is dead now. I see his death in an endless loop in my head… [read more from Miriam].
pattrice writes “Oh, Lou. Nobody knew you but Bill… [read more from pattrice].
NB: All of these reflections represent the personal opinions of their authors and may not reflect the views of the sanctuary or its supporters.

Lou, who never knew how it feels to be free
In Memoriam: Lou
Each of the five of us here at VINE Sanctuary had our own reaction to the death of Lou. Sad, mad, numb—each of us felt each of these and other feelings, in different proportions and accompanied by different thoughts.
Today, on the two-week anniversary of Lou’s death, we decided to share our personal thoughts and feelings here, knowing that many of Lou’s supporters around the world may still be experiencing their own emotional reactions. Each of us has written something different, in our own voices.
Aram writes, “For Lou–an excerpt from a Dylan Thomas poem I resonate with... [read more from Aram].
Cheryl and Kathy write, “From the first day that we saw you, we were struck by your quiet peace… [read more from Cheryl and Kathy].
Miriam writes “Lou is dead now. I see his death in an endless loop in my head… [read more from Miriam].
pattrice writes “Oh, Lou. Nobody knew you but Bill… [read more from pattrice].
NB: All of these reflections represent the personal opinions of their authors and may not reflect the views of the sanctuary or its supporters.
Lou, who never knew how it feels to be free