“It’s kale time!!!”
Every morning, the chickens come running when they hear those words. Breakfast kale, yum!
Since their foraging yards are frozen, all of the birds appreciate the bright greens each morning. Just like us, chickens are more healthy when they eat their leafy greens. This is especially important for the birds from the . . . → Read More: Join the Kale Club!
Reflections on Feeding Kale to Chickens
I had an epiphany while feeding kale to chickens this morning.
Today dawned uncommonly warm after an uncommonly windy night. As I lugged water jugs to the foraging yards, I could hear the chickens rustling inside the coops, eager for the doors to open. They sensed and were ready to seize the sunshiny day.
Birds . . . → Read More: Reflections on Feeding Kale to Chickens