This Mother’s Day, talk to the non-vegan mothers in your life about “dairy” in a way that inspires them to feel empathy for cows. . . . → Read More: A Mother’s Day Challenge from VINE Sanctuary
![]() This Mother’s Day, talk to the non-vegan mothers in your life about “dairy” in a way that inspires them to feel empathy for cows. . . . → Read More: A Mother’s Day Challenge from VINE Sanctuary ![]() Rosetta arrived at VINE in early 2012, one of a group of cows who barely survived starvation at a small Vermont farm where they had been exploited for “dairy” for at least ten years. By the time they were seized by authorities, one of their friends had starved to death. At VINE, Rosetta and her . . . → Read More: Heart Trouble ![]() Locavores and ex-vegetarians alike seem to share some common misconceptions about locally-sourced animal products. For example, they seem to believe that the environmental waste associated with meat, dairy, and egg production will be lower on a small-scale farm than on a factory farm or CAFO (confined animal feeding operation). While CAFOs do pollute their local . . . → Read More: The Many Faces of Happy Meat Interesting article here, posted to the AR News by Leilani Sanctuary. http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/24/us/drought-missouri-dairy-farmers/index.html?h\ By interesting, I mean many things, particularly the assertion by the wife of one of these farmers that “we did everything right,” but the “system failed us” because (apparently) the government isn’t giving enough subsidies to these people. Dairy farmers aren’t given . . . → Read More: Interesting Article about Drought, Dairy “Farmers” |
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For Fennel, Forever
The staff of VINE Sanctuary invite our supporters to help us remember the cow called Fennel in a way that will be helpful to other animals. Please share your ideas! . . . → Read More: For Fennel, Forever