Why did the chicken cross the road? To start a sanctuary, of course! . . . → Read More: The First Bird
![]() Why did the chicken cross the road? To start a sanctuary, of course! . . . → Read More: The First Bird It’s no secret that the Chesapeake Bay is in serious trouble. One might say the bay is dying, and certainly parts of it are actually dead. Yet past efforts to “clean up the bay” have been hampered by the refusal of activist groups to place the blame where it belongs; namely, in large part in . . . → Read More: Finally, Some Truth Comes Out about the Chesapeake Bay A few fun facts about the environmental impact of Delmarva’s poultry industry, from this 1999 Washington Post article: Poultry’s Price: The Cost to the Bay * Perdue, the country’s second-largest chicken producer, trucks millions of gallons of waste a year from its Delaware slaughterhouses into Maryland, where the loads are injected into fields. * Some . . . → Read More: The Price of Poultry In a New Year’s Day letter to the editor published in the Daily Times of Salisbury (Md), Eastern Shore Sanctuary co-founder pattrice jones calls for economic diversification of the Delmarva peninsula, which is currently dominated (and despoiled) by the poultry industry: We need a diversified economy with an agriculture sector divided between production of healthy . . . → Read More: Sanctuary Founder Calls for Delmarva Diversification Every day on the Delmarva peninsula, more than a million birds scream, scratch and flap as they are shackled to the machinery of death. The center of it all is Salisbury, Maryland — home of the late Frank Perdue, who was the first to apply the industrial model now known as “factory farming” to chickens . . . → Read More: Can You Bear to Watch? |
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