
My Sister: A Story About Veganism

Don’t worry, I’m not going to get all family album on you. Anyone who’s read more than one of these blogs knows I’m not like that. However, I will just note that despite the caustic tone I generally bestow upon most human beings, I do have some humans in my life for whom I care . . . → Read More: My Sister: A Story About Veganism

We Will Miss You, Snowball



On Monday, January 16th, we had a vet put Snowball, an almost-19-year-old cow, to sleep. “Put to sleep” is a nice euphemism for “put to death,” because death tends to be hard for most humans to think about, and it’s easier to imagine someone going to sleep than someone going to . . . → Read More: We Will Miss You, Snowball

The Latest Craze: Crowboarding

For once, the world wide web brings us some non-intrusive, non-exploitative evidence of avian capabilities: Here’s a video of a crow playing on a rooftop, using a circular object as a sled. Tool use has been widely documented among crows, who often both express and develop their intelligence in play. But it’s rare to have . . . → Read More: The Latest Craze: Crowboarding

New Year’s Resolutions, Anyone?

If you are the sort to make New Year’s resolutions, which ones have you made that pertain to non-human animals? While it’s common to focus one’s efforts upon Improving Oneself (I will lose weight, I will read more, I will take an evening class), how about this year making at least one resolution that helps . . . → Read More: New Year’s Resolutions, Anyone?

Bye Bye Blackbirds

This just in:

“Thousands of dead blackbirds rained down on a town in central Arkansas last New Year’s Eve after revelers set off fireworks that spooked them from their roost, and officials were reporting a similar occurrence Saturday as 2012 approached.”

That’s right: After finding thousands of dead bird bodies in the street . . . → Read More: Bye Bye Blackbirds