
VINE’s Vision of Viridian

Milkshake and Clancy helping with the fall break-down of one of the sanctuary gardens

VINE Sanctuary is green from the ground up. Back when we were the Eastern Shore Sanctuary, sheltering chickens and ducks on a small plot in rural Maryland surrounded by factory farms, we hauled home discarded wooden steps to use as bird perches and hammered together a bedding shed from scrap lumber that would have otherwise . . . → Read More: VINE’s Vision of Viridian

Valentines from VINE: Addresses of Prisoners


We’ve encouraged you to write to vegan prisoners on Valentine’s Day. We’ve given instructions for formatting letters and tips on what to write. Now, all that remains is to introduce you to some prisoners to whom you might write. (You’ll find links to lists of other prisoners at the bottom of this post.)

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How to Write a Letter to a Prisoner

As part of our Valentines from VINE event, we have collected advice on letter writing from several sources. Here you’ll learn not only the ABCs of addressing and formatting letters to people behind bars but also the XYZs of writing letters that will be fun and interesting for prisoners to read.

First, the basics:

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