
Sorry I’m a Sucker!!

Thanks to everyone who wrote in and let me know that the piece about the teacher taking kids to see cows being murdered was fake. I did see that the site was “NewsWEAK,” but I thought that referred to the authors’ opinions about the news, not that the news itself was FAKE.

So, I apologize, . . . → Read More: Sorry I’m a Sucker!!

If Slaughterhouses Had Windows

I suggest we all send thank-you notes to this teacher who inadvertently (one hopes) turned at least a few kids into life-long vegans:


Safe Haven? SUNY Cobleskill Murders Roosters for Research

This is a follow-up to my previous post about the 10 fighters and 4 juvenile fighters and hens we took in a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t say anything about this until I knew that all the rest of the birds had been taken to safety. Now they are safe, so now I can . . . → Read More: Safe Haven? SUNY Cobleskill Murders Roosters for Research

Ten New Fighting Cocks Happy and Healthy at VINE!

I wanted to let the world know — yet again — that YES, fighting cocks CAN be rehabilitated, YES, they can live happily and peacefully with other chickens, and YES, VINE continues to be the only established non-profit animal rights sanctuary who helps them recover from their ordeal.

Eight days ago, VINE took in 10 . . . → Read More: Ten New Fighting Cocks Happy and Healthy at VINE!


The message below is being sent upon the request of another AR group in Vermont (which has just about NO animal rights presence) — please support them if you can! Miriam In honor of World Farm Animals’ Day, Green Mountain Animal Defenders has organized a fundraising walk in downtown Burlington, VT! Sadly, over 65 billion . . . → Read More: *PLEASE GET MOOOOOVING FOR FARM ANIMALS ON OCTOBER 2ND!*

Is Rape Evolutionary?

In 2000, Randy Thornhill, an evolutionary biologist, co-authored a book called “A Natural History of Rape: Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion.” Needless to say, an academic- and activist-fueled storm was unleashed, and the theory was soon discredited by respected biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, who pretty quickly found that in fact, the evolutionary costs of committing rape . . . → Read More: Is Rape Evolutionary?

Excellent New Essay by Steve Best

Check it out. For whatever it’s worth, I agree completely with his assertions, including the one in which he notes that homo sapiens sapiens never HAS been a nice kind of species, regardless of what anyone might like to imagine in our more wistful moments. The reality is that we’ve been conquering, dominating creatures since . . . → Read More: Excellent New Essay by Steve Best

Explanation of Previous Half-Post

Sorry all — I posted a poem I wrote when the occasionally unbearable effort of saving one animal at a time when literally millions more are tormented and unable to be saved was getting to me. I am sure it happens to all sanctuary workers at one time or another. I tried to recall the . . . → Read More: Explanation of Previous Half-Post

Bias in the World of Animal Sanctuaries (and Beyond): Does it Matter?

When I was a high school English teacher, I worked for about six months at Delmar High School. I only worked there for six months, even though I was paid for twelve, because about halfway into my contract, a group of about 25 sets of parents had banded together to oust me. I’d known it . . . → Read More: Bias in the World of Animal Sanctuaries (and Beyond): Does it Matter?

Dangerous, Dangerous Words

“Lindsay Harris has loved animals her whole life.”

“Diversified farming mimics nature where there is no waste.”

“We care for our Jersey and Guernsey cows like family to make sure they are healthy and comfortable.”

“David Strawn, owner of Deep Creek Ranch, has a profound connection to the land he works and a great appreciation . . . → Read More: Dangerous, Dangerous Words