On a hot June night in 1969, LGBTQ folk said “no” to state repression, fighting back against a police raid of the Stonewall Inn. The ensuing uprising, led by drag queens and street kids, ushered in a new, more radical, era of activism against homophobia. While earlier efforts, such as those organized by the Mattachine . . . → Read More: Pride Month Pledge Drive
Thirteen Years of “Queering Animal Liberation”
At the Resistance Ecology conference last weekend, during the Q&A following my lecture on “Queering Animal Liberation,” an audience member noted that our brochure identifies VINE as LGBTQ-run and wondered why we specify that. In short, it’s because we’re proud to have met the extra material and emotional challenges that being LGBTQ introduces to the . . . → Read More: Thirteen Years of “Queering Animal Liberation”