
Help Animals by Supporting Sanctuaries on “Giving Tuesday”

Today is “Giving Tuesday,” the anti-consumerist antidote to “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday.” If you can afford to do so, please do show your support for VINE Sanctuary or any of the other equally deserving animal sanctuaries, shelters, and rescues that depend on donors to feed, house, and provide health care to animals who would . . . → Read More: Help Animals by Supporting Sanctuaries on “Giving Tuesday”

In Memoriam: Lou

Lou, who never got to be free

Each of the five of us here at VINE Sanctuary had our own reaction to the death of Lou. Sad, mad, numb—each of us felt each of these and other feelings, in different proportions and accompanied by different thoughts.

Today, on the two-week anniversary of Lou’s death, we decided to share our personal thoughts and . . . → Read More: In Memoriam: Lou

“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re NOT going shopping!”

In the early 90s, activists associated with Queer Nation and other organizations that promoted LGBTQ liberation by means of nonviolent direct action sometimes stormed shopping malls chanting that slogan. Of course, our “kiss-ins” and exuberant expressions of non-conformity with gender norms were roundly condemned, both by homophobes and by liberals who claimed to be our . . . → Read More: “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re NOT going shopping!”

Meet Mama T

"Mama T," a turkey at VINE Sanctuary

Mama T (also known as Mamati) came to the sanctuary from a local small-scale farm, where she had been overcrowded with hens and geese in a small coop with a tiny mud yard. When she first arrived, she was so overweight from lack of exercise that she rarely walked more than a few steps at . . . → Read More: Meet Mama T

The Many Faces of Happy Meat

As a calf, Jasper was tied to a tractor and left to starve by a small-scale dairy farmer who had no economic use for him. Both factory farms and small-scale farms judge animals only according to their usefulness to people.

Locavores and ex-vegetarians alike seem to share some common misconceptions about locally-sourced animal products. For example, they seem to believe that the environmental waste associated with meat, dairy, and egg production will be lower on a small-scale farm than on a factory farm or CAFO (confined animal feeding operation). While CAFOs do pollute their local . . . → Read More: The Many Faces of Happy Meat

The Mixed-Up World of Green Mountain College

Presumably on the theory that there’s no defense like a good offense, Green Mountain College has for some weeks been engaged in a disinformation campaign intended to convince the public that animal advocates calling for compassion are terrorists.

Yes, they are actually using the T-word and have also referred to VINE –the friendly local animal . . . → Read More: The Mixed-Up World of Green Mountain College

Preliminary Postmortem Reflections

By now, everybody knows that Lou is dead—allegedly euthanized and buried in an undisclosed location in the middle of the night. The mysterious circumstances of his death make it difficult to know exactly what to say, and perhaps that was the point. And of course VINE staff—especially the two who twice went to see Bill . . . → Read More: Preliminary Postmortem Reflections

Memo to Green Mountain College President and Board of Trustees

VINE Sanctuary has secured space for Bill and Lou at a different sanctuary, thereby removing any impediment to their retirement posed by the antipathy of Green Mountain College to this particular sanctuary. . . . → Read More: Memo to Green Mountain College President and Board of Trustees