Check out Episode Three of Cooking with Real Vegans! It’s live now on our YouTube Channel — here’s a link:
At the end of the video, you will hear a reference to something called “The Strolling of the Heifers,” which takes place in Brattleboro every year. I’ll be blogging about that soon, but if you’d like to learn more about this sickening display of animal exploitation, here’s a link:
The difference is that the heifers end up being manually impregnated by humans then pumped dry of their calves’ milk by machines, while the bulls end up being pitted against men who use swords, spears and knives to murder the beleaguered animals in front of cheering crowds. As soon as heifers-turned-moms slow their milk production, they are murdered, too, and made into burgers.
In other words, strolling heifers have delayed executions. Running bulls get swifter sentences. Death row for the cows is hidden from public view but for the bull is out in the open.
Both are unspeakably cruel.