
Check out this blog: The animal industrial complex: The monster in our midst

New from Animal Blawg, an EXCELLENT source of information, comes this description of one woman’s opportunity to teach a class of high school students about the obscenity — and ubiquity — of “farming” animals, particularly factory farming. She does an excellent job of laying out some “talking points” — ones we can all use when we speak with folks who are still brainwashed by the animal industrial complex — as well as reminding us just how deeply entrenched it all is, from government subsidies to advertisements to totalitarian-esque mandates that young people WILL drink cow’s milk — or else.


5 comments to Check out this blog: The animal industrial complex: The monster in our midst

  • CQ
    Glad you found this Blawg, recommend reading it, and have introduced it with such a catchy comment.

    Love your line, “… totalitarian-esque mandates that young people WILL drink cow’s milk — or else.”

    That’s how the ducks and geese must feel when they are force-fed, and how the primates, dogs, mice, rats, and rabbits surely feel when they are made to ingest drugs or inhale cigarette smoke.

  • Nancy
    Incisive article, but I disagree that bringing up the word “vegan” is akin to proselytizing- It is instead offering a solution. Also some of the images provided were by so called AR groups that abuse animals- peta, hsus.
  • bravebird
    Hey Nancy,

    I agree that the word vegan is a good thing — I further think that proselytizing is a good thing when it comes to this issue — but I disagree that useful images should not be used because they come from bad places — if the image itself does good (as these surely will, they are horrifying), why does it matter who takes them? And as much as I loathe HSUS (speaking for MYSELF and not for the SANCTUARY), they are one of the few organizations actually TAKING such pictures. COK and MFA too, of course, but hell, why not use all the weapons at our disposal?

    It’s sort of like the chestnut of the old church lady who won’t take money for a badly-needed new house because it comes from her grandson, the drug-runner. Who the hell cares where it comes from? USE IT — that’s how I feel, anyway.

  • bravebird

    You are right, it’s an excellent blog — hope lots more folks find it!

  • It is “complex”! And “entrenched” we certainly are! Doesn’t it seem kinda strange on the flip side – How really, really simple and uncomplicated compassion is? It’s the forest for the trees – So many are just blind to it. (sigh).

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